by Marty Thomas
Jun 13 '16

Missing Data

You may find that on occasion, Tend does not collect data from a visitor. Although we make our best effort to collect 100% of the visitors, some may slip through the cracks. This could happen because:

  • Browser limitations Browser software that is outdated, or has limited features could contribute to Tend not being able to track the visitor.
  • JavaScript not enabled Browsers without JavaScript enabled won’t be tracked.
  • Redirects Immediate page redirects can often prevent Tend from tracking the visit.

Missed a Contact?

There also may be times where the visitor was anonymously tracked in Tend, however, they were not properly assigned to a contact. This could happen when a visitor enters their email and immediately leaves the page.

If you know the day/time that a contact was missed, you can assign them to the anonymous visitor in Tend.

To do that, go to the visitor log in your Tend Dashboard > Contacts > Visits.


From there, you can match the visit date of an anonymous visitor, to your contact. You can also use the pathname and geo-location to help identify the proper visitor.

Once you identify the anonymous visitor that should have been assigned to a contact, you can select the “Anonymous” name, and then Assign to Contact from the anonymous profile page.

assign to anonymous

Advice from Avinash

Ensure your analytics strategy is to reduce data inaccuracy as much as possible. Don’t focus on getting 100% accuracy. That does not exist.

I believe that.

There are no “right numbers”. I am a part of a generation that believed that and we always tried to reach that goal (I grew up in the world of data warehouses and business intelligence and ERP and CRM systems). But painfully I have learned that you can either focus on that, or you can use the data you got. Analytics data gives you 900% more information than you have through traditional channels. It is only 90% “right”, but the missing 10% is outweighed by the fact that you can now make decisions that are so much better informed.

It will take a while for the current crop of business leaders to “get it” – and sadly many many web analytics practitioners / consultants / vendors to get it. We need to realize there is more money to be made not peddling our services that make things “accurate” but rather peddling our ability to find raw awesome insights (whatever the tool the company has).

–Avinash Kaushik’s Web Analytics: An Hour A Day

Something’s still not right…

If you suspect that Tend is missing more visits or contacts than is normal, contact us. We’re happy to help investigate the problem.

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